I'm a software engineer and entrepreneur. I love building stuffs and deploy them on AWS. While I'm passionate about backend (Django and Node) and web frontend (React/Next.js), I spent many years writing Android apps.
Docker pull rate limits can be a frustrating hurdle on AWS CodeBuild, often exceeding faster than anticipated. This can be solved by transferring Docker images to private ECR repositories.
AWS has begun charging approximately $4 per month for each public IPv4 address in AWS accounts. This has led to an additional few hundred dollars in AWS expenses in our case. So, I spent a day to configuring most of our EC2 instances to use IPv6.
Configuring AWS Lightsail instances to work with AWS CodeDeploy is not straight forward. This is intentional because Lighsail is not supposed to be a full fledged solution. Lightsail is AWS's cheap alternative to Digital Ocean, Linode and other similar VPS providers.